As a wellness practitioner, I find that clients fit into the “metaphysical/spiritual” community or the “curious” category. The metaphysical group know exactly what energy techniques you are using, are familiar with the different energy bodies and are sensitive to their needs and what the wellness practitioner is doing. The curious come from a variety of backgrounds and want to know what is happening, or what you do in an “energy balancing.” They have questions and may or may not want to check you out further. Added to these two groups, we now have those who are ready to try anything, they have a myriad of symptoms, and/or are looking for a miracle. Working at the Fair allows the wellness practitioners to meet all of these groups. Since we attract those to whom we can be of service, this can be a time when we put all our skills to work. It is fun to answer questions and it is rewarding to see people shift energetically, feel more relaxed, and take a step toward wholeness and balance. What do you think?
To find more information on some of the “tools” in my toolkit, go to
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