Indigo Gabbro is a stone that is one of the best facilitators for energy transference.
Gabbro in general is a igneous stone, and the Indigo variety is mined mainly in Madagascar with some material coming from Alaska. It is formed of silicate [SiO2, or quartz] that is rich in magnesium and iron. It has a chemical equivalent to basalt, but with decidedly different energies.
Indigo Gabbro contains a combination that can include feldspar, chlorite, serpentine, muscovite, pyroxene, hercynite, and magnetite in a charcoal colored matrix; it may also contain small amounts of olivine, chrome garnet, actinolite, and biotite; It can also contain valuable amounts of chromium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, and copper sulfides. The material that I have obtained shows a lovely iridescent sheen across the chocolate colored parts of its surface.
- Slab showing crystalline structure of Indigo Gabbro
Indigo Gabbro is said to amplify the energy channeled by various forms of Lightwork such as Reiki, Color Healing, Earth Healing, Gridding etc. This is facilitated by holding a piece of Indigo Gabbro in each hand during the work. The stone grounds you firmly into the Earth’s “battery” and opens the spiraling gates for both the energies of Heaven and Earth to move through the practitioner into the subject at a greatly accelerated rate. It further anchors the vibration of intention into the healer/practitioner and the Earth while helping the practitioner move into harmony with their greater or Soul’s purpose.
It seems amplify and adjust the energies of any other stones being used during the treatment. I particularly like its interaction with selenite, nuummit, and covellite. I am experimenting with this further as of the writing of this column.
It is said to adjust the energies of “hot” stones such as Moldavite, Phenacite, or Danburyite so that the user may more easily adjust and resonate with the stone, easing the vibrational “oomph” caused by the rapid rise in frequency- all without moving the subject out of balance due to overload. This is said to allow the subject to more fully access the information of the stone.
It is believed to work to open the Third Eye, facilitating the training of psychic and intuitive abilities and increasing the user’s sensitivity to the “unseen”. It has been said to facilitate communications with the spiritual realm and with the natural world – plant, mineral, and animal.
It is also said to help clear the aura and remove energy attachments, entities, and implants by the application of the stone to the base of the skull for 15 to 30 minutes while focusing energy on clearing the subject’s physical and etheric bodies. The stone works to vacuum the energies out of the subject. Keeping the stone in close proximity to the body while meditating or sleeping is said to work to maintain the freedom from energy implants, negative entities, and drainers.
The stone should be cleansed after use by placing in a container of salt that is reserved solely for the cleaning of stones and crystals, for at least 24 hours – up to two weeks for really nasty removals.
This has been a very fun stone to research and experiment with, and I look forward to sharing my future findings and the findings of other practitioners with you as the information becomes available.
Could you please suggest how to charge indigo gabbro? Thank you
I would charge it in sunlight myself. Sit with it in the sun and focus on what you want to achieve with the help of this stone’s energies. Or one could leave that goal up to the universe to set, asking for protection, and “My greatest and highest good” of course.
Nice article! I was looking to learn a little more about Indigo Gabbro / Mystic Merlinite after buying one recently at a local crystal shop. Most of the other sites had a lot of similar info but I really appreciate you taking time to share your personal experience. It was also helpful that you gave a specific suggestion of how this stone could be used “15 to 30 min while focusing..”. 🙂
I found most of the stone’s attributes and recommendations while searching online myself. I am currently working with this stone for research purposes, but find it interesting that it first came to me during a time of great emotional upheaval and grief. It is my belief that it came into my life to help me process these strong emotions and to help me let go of my attachment to physical things and beings, and to remind me that love never leaves us.