This is a photo of my old tiny office where I channeled (pray and seek the direction) from God for others. Often in a photo other things will appear that are supernatural and cannot be seen by the human eye. As you can see flowing directly towards my chair is a huge channel of golden light. I cannot place it there. In fact I did not even know it was there until I was told by my Holy Spirit to take a photo of it and see what might be there that I was not seeing.
I know from seeing photos clients show me of their travels, sometimes after taking pictures and coming back home and developing the film, that often there are auras (a spiritual outline of a person or object), orbs (spirit beings), and energy fields that show up on the printouts. It is always a surprise to be able to “see” spiritual evidence in photos that our human eyes would not see of supernatural presences.
The only electric light on was in the center of the room and there were no mirrors to reflect this beam of light that appears in the photo. It appears by its own power, not mine. The light does not travel from the fixture in a bent beam direction. There has to be something else that is causing it to be directed towards my chair.
When I prayed about it what I heard is that I had been sitting for 10 hours in that chair except for a couple of short breaks while I had created an EZine and a newsletter, praying for help to say and do the right thing as I was sitting there.
I had actually done 3 channelings for clients while I was still seated in the chair during that time.
Note: Locate Alex’s EZINES on under for tons of tips on how to create your own Power Feng Shui Energy Environment in your own personal Sacred Space or Office.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the Light was drawn down by the power of Prayer. It came from sitting in that chair and answering clients’ requests and praying while I do that to seek the wisdom of God. That is what being a reader or a channel, if one is seeking the Holy Spirit of God’s Wisdom, is all about. It is NOT my “holier than thou” attitude. I do not have one. It is only by seeking God through prayer that I am able to “see” the right direction for clients needs.
The Holy Spirit went on to say that each person has their own personal energy field that emanates Light or darkness. You have the power to raise your own positive energies or not. You can bring things of Love and the Light of God into your life or keep it just the way it is. Certainly your body, mind, and spirit release energies of actions, or emotions, good or bad, angry or glad, into your surrounding area. Every other single person in your environment is affected by your personal energies. If you are focusing on leading a life of positive vibrations that is what you bring more of into your life and Sacred Space (Your Home). You have control over your vibrations that can make every change you need to lift your Electromagnetic Energy Field to your highest good. Not only you benefit but all of those around you.
Think about the prayer energy you raise when you are seeking God for help for your family, friends, loved ones, or for yourself. By the life you live you are drawing a Holy Spirit energy of God to you to answer those prayers. It might be fun to photograph your meditation area or altar after you pray just to see what might show up on your photos. You are bringing the energy of God to you as you pray and it has huge impact on not only you, those you pray for, but also even the very environment where you pray.
Ever wonder why when you are saying your prayers in the car and almost have accidents and then don’t have them how you missed it? Imagine being surrounded by angels as you reach out and touch God with your prayers and praise. That is what intervenes for us, the supernatural beings of God that come to help us, drawn by our prayers. We are creating our own Holy Energy Field as we pray. This does not mean we will never have accidents. I am saying that often it seems like we have the Grace of God all around just to help us in all things. Use that Holy Energy Field to help you in all things. You will be surprised how it works for you. You DO NOT HAVE THE ACCIDENT BECAUSE GOD KNOWS IT IS NOT YOUR TIME TO LEAVE HERE FOR HEAVEN. HE SENDS YOUR ARCH ANGEL TO INTERCEDE FOR YOU, INSTANTANEOUSLY CREATING A “WAY OF ESCAPE” FROM THIS ACCIDENT TO EXTEND YOUR LIFE TO THE APPOINTED TIME OF YOUR DEPARTURE FROM LIFE UNTO DEATH.
With our heart as an “electronic hookup” that powers up every part of our body, mind and spirit, and the extra energy it brings creates a far reaching field of energy if you are upset, sad, depressed, or suffering in any way. It actually heightens and widens the expanse of the energy. The same is true for the good energy feelings.
We are intensifying energies with our emotions and could raise your personal Ch’i (Cosmic Breath of God within us) to a toxic level of stress. I had my first heart attack at 55. Please don’t take your stress to that level. I don’t recommend it.
Ever use several watch batteries in a year because you drain them? Do you pop light bulbs a lot? Do electronic things give you a fit if you are stressed out? Been in line at the checkout and silently seething with anger and impatience and then the cash register just locks up or all of the power in the place goes out and you are standing in darkness? Can you see how far your emotions reach out from your body to affect others and objects as well? Mechanical as well as electrical objects are all affected.
Your moods and emotions are wide open to be influenced by these surges of energies. Energies generate long term effects. Think about it before you act.
If everything is connected as it seems, it would only be in our best interest to use that energy power to our highest good. Doing acts of Good Karma lifts the energies in the most positive sense and comes back to bless you threefold (3 times). Likewise leaning towards the darkness creates a negative energy field of its own. Holding anger or revenge or wishing for those things will return the same energy unto you threefold as well. Not a good thing.
Find ways to bless others. Donate time, love or money to others or charities or churches. Lift up your personal Electromagnetic Field to a level higher than ever before. Do good without telling anyone. God KNOWS. He is your audience of one. He is the only audience that matters.
Give things away you do not use. Bless strangers with a smile or hold the door for them. Be unselfish and loving to all. Let someone ahead of you in line in the traffic and watch the surprise on their faces. Anything you do for the Light of God, with a pure intention to be a blessing, will bring you wonderful energy for your own life.
Ask in prayer that you receive Holy Spirit gifts of God if you wish to see supernatural occurrences around you. Find these listed in I. Corinthians 12:8-10. He will be happy to help you if you want to increase your abilities. Watch for signs and miracles to show up. They will if you want them to. You decide what would help you and ask for it in prayer. We are all God’s children and He is willing to share endless gifts with us if only we pray and desire for it to be so. And of course, be thankful.
One instant positive way to “Raise the Vibration” level all around you is to play The Secret DVD. I tell clients “Even is you are doing your laundry and not watching The Secret but are able to hear it, it will ‘lift up’ the vibrations and draw whatever your intentions are at that time, to you. While it is playing go right on with your regular activities. The extra energy will set The Law of Attraction into motion for your intentions. We can use all of the help we can get.
Work on your personal Electromagnetic Field today. You never know what benefits you will enjoy because you decided to make changes, if you don’t start now.
If you think you might be especially sensitive to these phenomena, go to: Sliders: People Who Cause Strange Electrical Phenomena by Julia Melges-Brenner. See her youtube video at
If you are a research type like myself you can go to the references below I found on to help you understand this better. I love wikipedia. It has everything.
Alexandra Shaw
Your my Kind. I feel vibrations and see moving electric fields around people some big some small I have been excepting why I always was different lol it’s the greatest peace that ever existed