For years people have asked me about the Electromagnetic Energy Field they have that sometimes causes things to break or lights blow out or any manner of odd things happen, especially when they are extremely emotionally upset. I have many times in my silent anger seen the lights go out where I am waiting to buy something. I am NOT bragging. When we are so intense it expands our energy field and things “pop” or break around us.
This email arrived from a metaphysically enlightened friend. It has really caused me to pause for thought on exactly what and how I am causing things to happen that are needless, IF ONLY I have my mind open to what is happening.
Are you a person that has a heightened Electromagnetic Field that blinks lights, or blows the bulb, changes the computer or telephone or it dials with only you thinking about the person?
These people are known as Sliders. They slide in and out of Electromagnetic fields and sometimes not well. You may read about all of this if you wish to learn more go to:
My electromagnetic field will only amplify what is already there and draw unwanted situations to me if I am negative. It is my choice. It always has been. I just never realized it before. Ever angry and get a speeding ticket or drink too much or say way too much when you should have silently walked away and let it go? Imagine how far out that energy blasts from your own body. It can be intense.
Why not seek to control your Emotional Ch’i (Cosmic Breath of God) when stress or conflict or chaos comes your way? You control the emotions, not the emotions controlling you. It is similar to one of those “Tail wagging the dog” things. IT IS YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BREATH. GUARD IT WISELY. IT IS ALL YOU REALLY HAVE.
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