The Oldest and Strongest Emotion of Mankind…
03 Sep 2012 11:40 PM | Anonymous
H.P. Lovecraft said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear”. I truly believe that it is the one emotion that keeps us from achieving our true potential as spiritual and physical beings. It is the emotion that talks us out of experiencing and learning the things in this existence that we came here to do.
Let’s look at what we can do to break those chains of fear that hold us back. I think first we need to become aware of what are fears are? Name them! Once they are named then they can be dealt with appropriately. It really does take some of the power away from the fear. Then let’s look back at where those fears developed and why. Was it from a childhood trauma? Maybe, it was even an experience we had as an adult. When do those fears show up in your life? Are there certain people or situations that trigger it? Search the origin out. After you have named the fear, and found it’s origin then begin to take steps to change. Think of positive steps to break those fears. They don’t have to be huge steps, just small steps will do to start with.
It takes great courage and strength to move pass those fears of a lifetime but we all can do it if we choose to. Stop yourself when you find yourself using negative stories about yourself or others. Make sure you have positive things to focus on like quotes, books, movies, music, etc. Become mindful in your everyday life. Staying in the present makes us stronger! When we think about the past we may have feeling of regret. If we think about the future we may find ourselves becoming anxious. If we are mindful of the present moment then we can feel gratitude, joy, and love.
There is so much fear in the world right now. Why not be a part of the transformation? We can all do our part of transforming the energy on the planet one person at a time.
Go to my website and download a free audio meditation.
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