The name Kyanite is derived from the Greek word Kyanos, literally meaning blue. It is a form of Aluminum Silicate (Al2 SiO5 ) that forms in blade crystals and has a hardness rating between 4.5 to 6.5 on the Mohs Scale.
It is a typically blue silicate mineral, commonly found in aluminum-rich metamorphic pegmatites and/or sedimentary rock. It occurs in various locations around the world, but the best quality of Blue Kyanite is mined in Nepal and Tibet.
Other colors include Indigo (India/Nepal), Green (Pakistan), Black (from Brazil), and Orange (found recently in Tanzania) and more rarely in White, Gray, Pink, and Yellow varieties.
Occasionally it contains enough clean gemmy material to be cut into beads and polished pieces. Since it falls into the rare polymorphic group – one that displays varying hardness within one specimen – these polished pieces are rather uncommon. Much like Diamonds, Kyanite has perfect cleavage in one direction, this combined with its varying hardness makes Kyanite quite a challenging gem to cut and polish.
I will concentrate on the most readily available colors.
Kyanite’s message is one of cleansing and alignment.
All the colors effect the entire system, but they also influence their individual chakras strongly. They are all well known for their ability to align the chakras and open the energy centers. This occurs without the user needing to direct it by thought. Just carrying a piece will help bring the energy centers into alignment, but if it is consciously directed, its effects will be greatly magnified.
Additionally, the stone does not accumulate negativity and can be used continually without needing a cleansing period. It is particularly beneficial for recovery from injuries, re-aligning the subtle energies that were disrupted.
Using it at the beginning of a meditation session allows the user to begin with chakras opened and aligned. It also helps to calm the mind and to achieve the meditative state more easily.
The Blue and Indigo varieties resonate most strongly with the throat and third eye, facilitating the opening of the third eye during spiritual work and the throat chakra for communication of the information gleaned during the session. They are also very beneficial for working with group energies, whether these be in a healing or prayer circle or in a business meeting, kyanite helps the co-creative process flow more smoothly and lessens conflicts.
Black Kyanite resonates strongly with the root chakra. It deepens our connection to the physical, natural world. It brings power and strength, relieving fears associated with the physical existence here on Earth and shields from psychic attack.
Much like Jet, it offers protection and a retreat, the safety of being hidden from your enemies. It is excellent for acessing childhood memories and helping to relieve the effects of early trauma, facilitating healing form our past. Additionally, it amplifies grounding energies, supports environmental healing, connecting with those who are pulling pollution out of the earth and assisting the evolution of the planet. It is a fine stone to include in grids to rid areas of negative or malignant energies – like hauntings – since low frequency entities cannot tolerate it.
Green Kyanite focuses on the heart chakra. It helps one to see where another’s “heart” lies or what the truth is when working with others. Carrying it with you can help when in the company of others of whom you are unsure, by helping you to look within the heart of that person to see their true motives behind any statement or action. It also helps to overcome depression by offering hope and support for the internal adjustment and growth needed to bring about positive physical changes.
It can be used to facilitate communications with the Devic realm and nature spirits.
And lastly, Orange Kyanite resonates with the sacral chakra, bringing its uplifting and optimistic energy to the user. It encourages us to bring light and high vibrational energies to our creative pursuits and to explore our passion for life. It may also be benificial for those seeking fertility, both physically and spiritually.
Kyanite is a beautiful stone and packs quite a powerful punch in any of its forms.
See you at the Fair!
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