Over 15 years ago a Catholic friend taught me to use this simple prayer ritual. It is very powerful to get help from God for an emergency of any kind, any time, any place.
Light 9 candles. They can be small tea lights or 5-7 day tall Novena candles or any kind. Put them in a metal cake pan for safety from pets or children and place them in the kitchen sink so there will be no danger of simply place them on your Altar. Always watch carefully, extinguishing them if you leave the house and relighting them when you return, to complete the prayer if you must leave.
As you light the 9 candles, focus on exactly what your pure purpose before God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is, and what you are asking for with your prayer. While the candles are burning, as you go about the activities of your daily life, focus on those pure purposes as they are prompted to your mind.
As you pray, say “God I am one soul, one light, please come here now and help me.” Add anything in prayer that you desire to bring to God. As the candles burn you are basically sending up a signal for emergency help from God, saying, “Come here NOW and help us please.” You do not have to sit idly by for this to happen. Go about your regular activities, but keep your prayer needs in mind.
Remember to give thanks for the help you are about to receive. Watch and wait with hope for your future, KNOWING God is on the job, always, to love and help, bless and protect us.
The 9 Candle Emergency Novena is one of the most powerful to draw the Holy Spirit Power of God immediately, that I have ever seen. You do NOT have to be Catholic to use it.
May God lead and guide you and bring the mercy and help you need to you and your loved ones immediately.
Your prayers for today are your protection for tomorrow and the rest of your life.
Good Luck with your own personal 9 Candle Emergency Novena.
Alexandra Shaw
How long do you keep the candles lit for?